Ningbo Yinzhou will eliminate 611 high-energy transformers

The reporter learned from Ningbo Yinzhou District Power Supply Bureau on the 20th that, from now on until December 31 next year, the entire region's high-energy-consuming S7 series of transformers will all be eliminated, and the Yinzhou District Government will allocate 4 million special funds for grants to be carried out on schedule. Eliminating the work of the company. The subsidy standard is defined as: for a capacity of 100 kVA (including 100 kVA), a subsidy of 50 yuan/kVA, and a capacity of 100 kVA or more, a subsidy of 40 yuan/kVA.

Eliminating outdated production capacity is an important part of energy conservation and consumption reduction. According to the requirements of the superior, during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, the focus of eliminating outdated production capacity is to rectify high energy-consuming backward equipment and processes, and focus on rectifying electric motors, welding machines, and resistance furnaces. , transformers, pressure regulators, boilers, fan pumps, compressors, diesel engines and other equipment. Renovation and backwardness of transformers eliminated the S7 series first. Prior to this, Yinzhou District had begun to rectify high-energy boiler equipment.

The reporter learned from the Economic Development Bureau of Zhangzhou District and the electric power department that at present, there are 611 S7 series transformers in use in the entire region, with a total capacity of 94250 kVA. According to calculations, if they are all replaced by S11 series transformers, they can save 1.6 million kwh of electricity in the whole year; if they are all replaced by more advanced and energy-efficient SHB15 transformers, they can save 2.57 million kwh of electricity in the whole year.

For the enterprises that failed to phase out the project, the power supply department of Yinzhou District will impose such measures as power curtailment or power outage, and if the circumstances are serious, the District Energy Conservation Supervision Brigade shall comply with Article 71 of the “Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China”. The regulations stipulate that the transformers that their country has ordered to phase out will be confiscated according to law.

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